Awake Craniotomy: Benefits and Techniques

What is an Awake Craniotomy? An awake craniotomy is a surgery where the patient remains conscious in order to provide feedback to the surgeon. This type of surgery is used for procedures that involve the brain, such as tumor removal.  The patient is usually put under general anesthesia prior to the surgery, and then awokenContinue reading “Awake Craniotomy: Benefits and Techniques”

Common Neurological Disorders and How to Identify Them?

Our nervous system is made up of important parts of the body such as the spinal cord, brain muscles and nerves. Any problem with the nervous system can cause a neurological disorder. Our nervous system is responsible for many actions such as breathing, memory, walking, sleeping etc. Neurological disorders are diseases that affect our centralContinue reading “Common Neurological Disorders and How to Identify Them?”

The Complete Guide to Brain Tumors and the Symptoms You Must Know

What is a Brain Tumor? Brain tumors are the abnormal growth of cells in the brain. They can be benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous). There are three types of brain tumors: Primary Brain Tumors: These are tumors that start in the brain. Metastatic Brain Tumors: These are cancerous tumors that have spread from other organsContinue reading “The Complete Guide to Brain Tumors and the Symptoms You Must Know”

Brain Tumor: Survival & Beyond

A brain tumor is a dead end!  No. This statement is wrong, and the myths prevailing in society are even more misleading.  Understanding brain tumors is important, but understanding the psychology of patients with brain tumors is the most important thing.  Let us first understand what a brain tumor is, how to prevent it from ruiningContinue reading “Brain Tumor: Survival & Beyond”

Warning Signs of a brain tumor you should know

The idea of developing brain tumors can chill your spine. This neurological condition can put your full life with bets.  The brain executes a list of infinite functions and controls all the processes that adjust our body. However, the diagnosis of a brain tumor can be a modern life event.  Odds that develop brain tumorsContinue reading “Warning Signs of a brain tumor you should know”

Frequent Headaches? Is It an Indication for Brain Tumor?

When headaches become frequent and worse over the time, it’s only natural to consider it as something serious, like a brain tumor. it’s true that a recurring headache are often a sign towards a brain tumor; however, it’s important to understand that tumour-related headaches have distinct characteristics. in addition, one must also know brain tumorsContinue reading “Frequent Headaches? Is It an Indication for Brain Tumor?”

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